“Kane is a human being, a source of energy, a soul, a creative being and a lover I would say.”
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MOVES caught up with Kane Horn for May 2023 Digital Cover
MOVES TEAM // Creative Movement Direction & Edit SHOKIRIE CLARKE // Videography & Film Photos SONIA MARTINEZ MULNER // Soundtrack SAM WISE // BTS EMILY COOPER // Production Assistant RYAN CLARKE // Transcript TALULLAH MILLINGTON
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What does dance mean to you?
“Dance means a lot of different things to me, it’s my job, it’s my career and it’s my profession now… but it’s also my outlet, it’s my… without sounding corny- it’s my therapy!
It’s my main creative outlet, I think I didn’t realise until I got a lot older, how important it is to have something like that… to have an outlet where you can move and express yourself in your own space without needing anyone or anything else for that. So, yeah dance is a lot of different things to me but aside from it being my job it’s definitely my passion, my outlet, my therapy, my safe space. Yeah, I would say that [smiles].”
“Dance has fueled my creativity in loads of ways. I think firstly it just opened my eyes to so many new possibilities and new worlds.
It’s weird because dance for me is kind of like the gateway to everything else, so it introduced me to people and spaces that I probably wouldn’t have stepped into if it wasn’t for dance. So I think it’s just allowed me to believe in myself and in my other creative kind of ideas and endeavours.
Through the outlet of dance I learnt that I can take my skill set and apply it in different places. So, definitely introducing me into new worlds and then making me realise that attaching your own personality and style to something, whatever that creative world is, it’s going translate if that makes sense.”
How’s dance fueled your creativity?
Tell us a little about the recent Future Nostalgia Tour with Dua Lipa?
“Yeah, the Future Nostalgia tour, it was the experience of a lifetime to be fair. I’ve toured before but this was just a whole different experience!
We were away the whole year and we went to places that I never thought I would ever see so it was incredible and the people and the places we saw made it even more special.
To be able to perform in places like Colombia and Argentina were just… I never thought I would ever end up there, so that was crazy to me! What’s really cool is that the tour allowed me to find my love for performing again and being onstage so I’m really grateful for that experience.”
Talk to us about the Styling on the Tour?
“Yeah, the styling for the Future Nostalgia tour, super sick… incredible stylist called Lorenzo who’s worked with Dua and just all the most incredible artists and personalities. But it was really cool to feel so special as a dancer actually.
I feel like a lot of the time we get the backend of the budget but for this job, everyone felt like they were really catered to and taken care of you know, we had like Balenciaga coming in to like fit us properly and take alterations so it goes a long way.
For me I’ve always been into fashion and what I’m wearing can have an impact on how I move so, I think on this tour we really had our styling catered to us… and there was a lot of care that went into making sure that we were comfortable and happy moving in it. So it’s always nice to feel appreciated in that way, I’d definitely say that.”
Do you have a favourite destination or specific show?
“People actually ask me that quite a bit…I would say different ones for different reasons.
So obviously Madison Square Gardens, everyone tells you how iconic it is, so I kind of downplayed it and then when I walked in the room I was like…ok, this is why everyone makes such a big deal you know! You walk in and see pictures of Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder outside your dressing room. So MSG is definitely something that’s pretty iconic and something to tell your kids.
But then, there’s always been like you know super random shows where you connect with someone or the audience are just having a really good time and it might be in the most random place you know, but it will still be a really special night. So it’s hard to pinpoint what’s my favourite, but definitely you’ve got like the iconic places and then you’ve got the places that surprise you I would say.”
Glove and Kilt custom made by RHYS MARCUS JAY // Trousers BIANCA SAUNDERS
How did you find it having your own spotlight?
[smiles] “Yeah, it’s sick. It’s always amazing having a spotlight or a solo moment in a show… it’s nice to be given that trust by the team, the artist and the choreographer to have your moment to shine.
And it’s one of those things like when you’re in the middle of a show and you’re leading up to that moment, sometimes you might be tired or have no energy but you know every night you have to pull that out of the bag, you know.
So it’s cool, it’s always really cool to be highlighted and have a moment of freedom within a regimented show to showcase your own style or your own personality or flare. So I’ll always appreciate having a little moment to shine, yeah for sure.”
What’s next for Kane?
“What’s next for Kane is, hopefully continuing to improve and refine my craft in not just dance but in terms of music and my creative methods and how I create. I want to continue to use my experience in dance and movement to hopefully take me into a choreography and movement direction space.
I also just want to just continue to keep learning really. I just want to always keep learning and keep growing. I think with dance, it’s something that there’s never really an end goal and there’s always something you can improve on so, the more I generally work on my craft, the more it filters into other aspects of my life. So definitely just working on my skills, refining my craft and then seeing how I can apply it into different creative spaces.”
Where can we find your work and socials?
You can find my work and socials… in this interview thing. I’m on instagram, you can find me on instagram, you can find my DJ mixes and all that good stuff on SoundCloud and also some stuff on YouTube. But mainly instagram, find me on instagram and then you’ll find all the relevant stuff.
My instagram handle is k_anehorn. It’s basically Kane Horn with an underscore before the ‘a’ cause they didn’t have my proper name so it’s pretty peak [laughs].
Hoodie 1017 ALYX STUDIO 9SM // Trousers RAF Simons // Sandals BOTTEGA VENETA