5 Elements
A short film concept produced by Austrian Heels Dance Organisation VIENNA HEELS
A concept developed and produced entirely by @viennaheels over the course of 6 months. Heels Dance Organization Vienna Heels turns the spotlight onto the shoe, which melts into every ground. They show that High Heels aren’t a way to sexualize their owners, but to embrace them beautifully and in their truthful selves.
This concept won a British Movement Award in 2022 powered by @basedancestudios for best “DANCE/CONCEPT VIDEO SPOTLIGHT 2022“.
DOP @aron.bartolome // Production @viennaheels // Directress @thisisgoaldigger // Camera Assistants @maromaone @marcjarabe @lens.oftime // Post Production @thisisgoaldigger @aron.bartolome // Photography @maromaone @mariotraarphotography@paul.christoph_ @paulnotpaul_ // Storyline & Text @imjuliar @imsarahr // Voiceover & Music Edit @brinidad // Song Steel Morphine @davincii.productions // Choreography Water @viennaheels // Choreography Earth @thisisgoaldigger // Choreography Air @powerpumpsdance // Choreography Fire @brinidad // Choreography Steel @powerpumpsdance // Muse/Main Dancer Water @imjuliar // Muse/Main Dancer Earth @thisisgoaldigger // Muse/Main Dancer Air @imsarahr // Muse/Main Dancer Fire @brinidad // Dancers Steel @carmenxschuster @__caro__line__@ilaydaaydodu @definitelyjennifer @klaudia_flauschig@blurlamay @_.sara.dance._ @stuartgannon1@soytam.official @__trangi__ @helloverenaaa @imjuliar@imsarahr @thisisgoaldigger @brinidad // Styling @brinidadstyling // Hair & Makeup @viennaheels // Styling Julia ‘Water Pearls Triangle’ / Teresa Earth ‘Soft Bra’ / Sarah Air ‘Cosmea Set’ / Brini Fire ‘Helen Body’ @soda.lingerie // Styling Teresa Steel ‘Metallic Pants’ @vis_a_vis_official // Heels @joheela_danceshoes // Location Earth @gotacoffeevienna // Location Air Am Himmel // Location Steel @marxhalle